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This function allows you to dynamically set the value of a registered field and have the options to validate and update the form state.


type setValue = (name: string, value: unknown, config?: Object) => void
type setValue = (name: string, value: unknown, config?: Object) => void


  • name: string

Target a single field by name.

// will directly update input value
setValue('array.0.test1', '1')
setValue('array.0.test2', '2')
// will directly update input value
setValue('array.0.test1', '1')
setValue('array.0.test2', '2')
  • value unknown The value for the field. This argument is required and can not be undefined.

  • options Object

    • shouldValidate boolean (default: false)

      • true: will trigger validation for the field and update the form state with the result.

      • false: will not trigger validation for the field and update the form state with the result.

    • shouldDirty boolean (default: false)

      • true: will mark the field as dirty.

      • false: will not mark the field as dirty.

Released under the MIT License.